Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Spiritual Strength

I've come to realize that saying you can and cannot are usually just emotional entities disguising themselves as what seem to be a physical hang up. When we claim that we can or cannot do something, that pertains to our physical ability. However, when you find yourself saying you will or will not, this pertains to your emotional (mental) ability. For example, you've been in a bad relationship and you love your significant other like crazy; you just want them to change. You say things like I cannot leave, but in all actuality you have the physical ability to leave; you should be saying you will not leave. You are choosing not to WILL yourself to leave. When this happens, the confusion of physical ability with emotional ability, we can ONLY lean on our spiritual ability. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with telling God that your emotions are in the way and you need his help. You may not be able to handle it, but He can. You can ask God to turn your will nots into can dos. He can give you the spiritual strength to over power your emotions. Just something to think about. Happy Wednesday 

❤️ always,

A Strong Black Woman

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